Friday, October 26, 2018

Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments- Elizabeth Stanton Summary

Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments

Summarized by: Elyssa Hodge

     In this document Elizabeth Stanton clearly states how women were mistreated and how she strongly wanted to change that. She states that in the history of mankind the men have been a tyrant to women. Men have never permitted women any right in elective franchise, they have been forced to submit to laws, even in a divorce the wife has no say. Rights were given to ignorant, unworthily natives and foreigners, yet never to the women. A married woman might only be recognized when her property becomes profitable. There are no avenues to wealth, no college, no worthy and useful jobs, such as law, medicine, and theology for women. She is allowed a position in the church, but even that is tainted by her husband will. He may exclude her from her ministry work if he likes, and with some exceptions even public church affairs. Men were basically “playing God”. Elizabeth Stanton’s last two paragraphs were basically saying: Give women their rights! And they will do their very best to hold up the Law, and work aside man.

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